Track: Keeping The Spirit Growing

CanWorkNet: Living, Learning & Working in Cyberspace

Navigating Through the CanWorkNet

Speaker: Bob Gordon, Director of the CanWorkNet, Senior Executive with Human Resources Development Canada
Time: Saturday August 17, 3:30 PM
Report by: Merrill Stewart

This presentation is a detailed overview of the development of the CanWorkNet which is, "a national utility which links those who need human resources information with those who provide it." Established as a non-profit non government organization through a partnership of government and the private sector, it is an organizational structure of Internet information on work, careers, and employment. Multi-functional in design it will help the job seeker to plan job search, assess their skills, and create a job search profile. The search profile is then matched with the Job Bank created by employers looking for workers. Beyond this function links will be made to Educational and Training opportunities. For those who want to be their own boss there will be connections to information on starting and running your own business.

This is open to anyone who is interested in the Canadian work and employment field. It is hoped that much of the content will be shaped by the users, rather than the information providers. To work effectively this utility has to be widely accessible, and this is where the community networks can play a vital role. Public access terminals will open the system to all job seekers. Community networks are seen as a point of contact for feed back on the local effectiveness of the service. CanWorkNet will enhance the service that the community networks can provide to their members by giving them access to an organized approach to Canadian employment information on the Internet.

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