Telecommunities Canada
Annual General Meeting
March 6, 2015
3:00 p.m. EST
Garth Graham,
Marita Moll,
Darlene Thompson,
James Van Leeuwen
Clarice Leader
Michael Gurstein
Bev Collins
Brian Beaton
Anthony Niiganii
Michael Corbett
Chair: Marita Moll
Approval of minutes of the 2013/14 AGM
That the minutes of the 2013-14 AGM be approved (with amended date)
Moved by Anthony Niiganii; Seconded by James Van Leeuwen
Financial Report
Funds still in the TC bank account will be transferred to Winnipeg where a new account will be set up. Current balance is $5, 845.97. There has been no financial activity.
That the financial report be accepted
Moved by Darlene Thompson; Seconded by Garth Graham
Appointment of Auditor
TC is below the financial activity threshold for which one required an auditor.
That TC does not require an auditor
Moved by Garth Graham; Seconded by Brian Beaton
President’s report
The President reported that TC is now compliant with the new Not-for-profit Corporations Act. She thanked Peter Frampton for steering us toward some legal assistance. Working through this process was our major project this year.
That the President’s report be accepted.
Moved by Darlene Thompson; Seconded by Garth Graham
Issues and Directions/ Reports from Directors
Marita Moll indicated that she had been asked to be on the board of the newly formed Canada Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC). Although she is serving as an individual, not specifically connected with TC, this helps to maintain international connections with ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), especially the various ICANN subgroups like NARALO (North American Regional At-Large Organization) as many of the same people are involved.
On behalf of TC, Marita attended CIRA's (Canadian Internet Registration Authoriy) Internet Governance Forum and the Digital Futures meeting (Edmonton) organized by the Van Horne Institute.
James Van Leeuwen reported on the strength of the community broadband movement in the U.S. where there were many public meetings and events around this issue. He noted that this movement would love to hold an event in Canada. James said that it was becoming increasingly clear that the telecom industry cannot deliver what residents and businesses want for scaleable community development.
The installation of optical fibre needs to accelerated in Canada. There are various initiatives underway in Alberta. Pincher Creek is currently considering connecting to the Alberta Supernet. A regional broadband strategy for Southwestern Alberta has been published. Waterton National Park is investing in state of the art wi-fi for the region (first area in the province to be fully serviced by fibre). In the town of Olds, the original Alberta community broadband project is nearly complete. The town of Sundre just issued an RFP for broadband services. There is some new activity in southeastern Saskatchewan on this issue. In B.C., the East Kootenay region (Cranbook, Golden) and the West Kootenay region (Trail, Nelson, Castlegar, Rossland) are in various stages of designing and implementing community broadband.
It is becoming clear that broadband is an essential utility. Neither industry or government can deliver the network. It takes community involvement and commitment driven by local government for economic devleopment and revenue generation.
Brian Beaton reminded the group that the National Broadband Taskforce discussed the benefits of fibre connectivity back in 2000. We were ahead of the state at the time. Canadians have a long history of working in this area. It is important that we use the right language.
James Van Leeuwen acknowledged that recognition is there but what is lacking is an active community of interest and lobbying power. A model to get there is being developed through the Canadian chapter of the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) which will hold a symposium in Toronto in June. The ICF is a nonprofit policy research organization focussing on job creation and economic development in the broadband economy. Stronger advocacy is needed and all groups need to be working under one umbrella.
Garth Graham reported that ICANN was moving towards the globalization of the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). When this transition is complete the IANA will no longer part of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce.
Garth attended part of the ICANN meeting in London. He reported that it was very hard to participate in ICANN's At-large Advisory Committee (ALAC) monthly meetings and NARALO meetings as the agendas were mostly technical. He will try to report where possible.
Tony Niiganii was invited to be part of the ICANN special mentorship program and attended the Singapore/London/LA meetings.
Mike Gurstein indicated that some scepticism about ICANN - a lot of money with no real accountablility chasing narrow issues -- was in order. He suggested that TC should take a more hands-off attitude and that there should be a discussion on what that means.
Garth Graham noted that we are members of NRALO whose role was to represent the ordinary internet user. ICANN needs to be reminded that users exist.
Michael Gurstein said that ICANN really has a very narrow base and a huge budget looking to spend itself.
Darlene Thompson noted that there were certainly lots of problems with ICANN but if wanted to make a difference on that level, we had to be part of it.
Bev Collins reported on the status of the CAP-YI program in her area. There was considerable frustration that Industry Canada expected sites to hire without a contribution agreement and that any contribution agreement could be put on hold. So, although the interns are available and needed in the summer, sites can't hire or start anyone until September. New people in Ottawa could not roll the program out in time. Bev will, once again, post accumulated success stories.
Mike Gurstein reported that he was active in open government data issues, mentoring research projects in India and Sierra Leone. OG could and should be used to empower local communities. He is also involved in developing a training program in Egypt. He contributed to the "Declaration for a just and equitable Internet." The declaration is being developed in Tunis to facilitate interventions in Internet issues. He is part of the JustNet coalition which is preparing for the Internet Social Forum in Montreal (Aug. 2016). This is where advocacy communities can come together to take a critical perspective and to occupy the Internet.
Brian Beaton reported that a new group -- The First Mile Connectivity Consortium ( -- has been set up to support communities, especially indigenous communities, in developing their networks. FMCC, under the direction of Rob McMahon, is preparing an intervention to the upcoming CRTC basic service hearing.
Move to accept director's reports: James Van Leeuwen
Seconded: Marita Moll
Election of directors
That the following list of directors be accepted:
Brian Beaton, Fred Campbell, Bev Collins, Monique Chartrand, Chris Cope, Peter Frampton, Garth Graham, Michael Gurstein, Clarice Leader, Marita Moll, David Murdoch, Anthony Niiganii, Marie Prebushewski, James Van Leeuwen and Elizabeth Wilson.
Moved by Michael Corbett, seconded by Brian Beaton
That the meeting be adjourned
Moved by Garth Graham; Seconded by Bev Collins