Telecommunities Canada AGM 2004
Telecommunities Canada AGM 2004 Agenda
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Telecommunities Canada AGM 2004 Minutes
(This text file is available as
in RTF format.)
Annual General Meeting
Friday,March 20, 2004
Georgia Hotel
Vancouver, B.C.
Present at the meeting:
Sam Coghan
Garth Graham
Mike Gurstein
Marita Moll
Peter Royce
Gary Shearman
Chair: Marita Moll
1 Approval of minutes of 2002 AGM
2 Financial report
3. Appointment of auditor
4.President's report
5. Director's reports
6. Review and updating of bylaws
7. Issues and directions
8. Election of directors
9. Adjournment
1. Approval of minutes of 2002 AGM (Montreal)
Minutes of 2002 AGM were tabled for approval
Recommendation 1: That the minutes of the 2002 AGM (Montreal) be
Moved by Peter Royce
Seconded by Sam Coghlan
2 Financial report
Gary Shearman provided a verbal report to the effect that there was
approximately $8800 remaining in the bank account.
Recommendation 2: That the verbal report provided by Gary Shearman be
received -- pending the receipt of the written statement
Moved Garth Graham
Seconded by Peter Royce
3. Appointment of auditor
Recommendation 3: That TC continue to use the services of the present
auditor Stuart Boddy of Victoria
Moved by Peter Royce
Seconded by Garth Graham
4. President's report (see appendix A)
Recommendation 4: That the President's report be received and accepted
as circulated
Moved by Garth Graham
Seconded by Sam Coghlan
5. Director's reports
Marita Moll, as TC representative to the Canadian Research Alliance
for Community Innovation and Networking (CRACIN) reported that the
CRACIN proposal to SSHRC for a 3-year study of community networking in
7 case study sites across Canada and various complementary broad-based
studies (see [1]hyperlink ) as been approved and is underway.
Garth Graham asked that the minutes note that the CRACIN proposal
presented a definition of community networking as an institution and
that TC defined community networking as a process.
Participants agreed that community networking as a process was a
crucial perspective that the TC representative should bring to the
research work done under the CRACIN umbrella.
Intervention on Lawful Access
Peter Royce reported that TC's submission to hearings on the Lawful
Access Consultation Document (see [2]hyperlink) had been acknowledged
as duly received as input to the process.
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Gary Shearman reported that TC was still accredited to WSIS and still
in a position to participate formally if it appeared the opportunity
and resources became available to do so.
Garth Graham reported that TC had sent a letter to Department of
Finance, Foreign Affairs and Industry Canada on the importance of
community online to the development of an Information Society. The
letter seeks assurances of more open processes of dialogue on national
socio-economic development planning related to information and
communications technology use. (see [3]hyperlink ) Departments have
acknowledged receipt of the letter.
Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS)
Mike Gurstein reported that there was a CRIS group forming in the U.S.
as part of the ICT Task Force meeting. He agreed to add TC observer to
his roles in these meetings and report back as needed.
Marita Moll reported that she attended an ICANN at-large meeting in
Montreal in June 2003 when ICANN was looking for new members and had
identified TC as a possibly interested party. It did not appear that
there were any resources available from ICANN to facilitate
participation and she recommended that TC not become formally involved
at the present time.
Gary Shearman reported that four TC directors had participated in the
strategy meeting in Toronto (March, 2004) towards the formation of a
National CAP association. It was agreed that TC should continue to
participate and provide input where ever possible to this attempt to
form a national CAP group. Once a formal structure emerges, TC might
consider suggesting an exchange of directors so that both groups could
keep each other informed of national and international initatives.
Recommendation 5: That the reports of directors be accepted as
Moved by Garth Graham
Seconded by Mike Gurstein
Recommendation 6: That the actions of the directors since the last
meeting be ratified
Moved by Peter Royce
Seconded by Gary Shearman
6. Review and updating of by-laws
Marita Moll reported that a by-law amendment approved by the Board of
Directors in 2001 had not been formally approved by the 2002 AGM.
Recommendation 7: That By-law #1, conditions of membership, 1.1 be
amended to read :
Ordinary membership, with full privileges, is open to Canadian
electronic community networking organizations, including public access
sites, learning networks, community networks and other organizations
that support the aims and objectives of Telecommunities Canada and
that : (etc.)
Moved by Peter Royce
Seconded by Gary Shearman
7. Issues and Directions for 2004-2005
Civil Society Task Force
It was suggested that there was a profound need for an alternative
position on and definition of ``civil society'' especially with the
ongoing WSIS discussions. It was noted that TC had a particular
perspective and expertise around the table to develop a new position.
Recommendation 8: That there be a TC task force struck to develop a
new position on civil society to be posted on the TC website and sent
to government departments working in this area (Industry Canada,
Foreign Affairs, etc.)
Moved by Marita Moll
Seconded by Gary Shearman
Action: Task force members Garth Graham and Mike Gurstein will invite
other particants to the dialogue and report progress to the list. It
is hoped that some work can be posted as early as June 2004.
Communications Task Force
It was noted that we should be providing more leadership on using
ICT's in our own communications. Various members have been
experimenting with Ivisit, Ichat and Voice over IP.
Recommendation 9: That TC have a task force formally exploring this
area and actively engaging other members in providing trial runs.
Moved by Marita Moll
Seconded by Mike Gurstein
Action: Gary Shearman, Garth Graham and Fred Campbell have been active
in this area and will continue working on this.
8. Election of directors
Gary Shearman reported that Sam Coglan and Ian Allen had asked that
their names be withdrawn for the list of directors. Ian Allen would
continue to act as webmaster. Sam agreed to stay on the electronic
list and occasionally offer comments and directions.
Recommendation 10: That the remainder of the directors list (listed
below) be left unchanged but that 2 positions remain vacant to be
filled eventually with representatives from the new CANCAP
New list of directors:
Gareth Shearman
Chris Cope
Marita Moll
Alain Ambrosi
Brian Beaton
Fred Campbell
Garth Graham
Michael Gurstein, Ph.D
David Murdoch
Peter Royce
Mark Surman
2 vacant positions
Moved by Gary Shearman
Seconded by Garth Graham
9. Adjournment
Recommendation 11: That the 2003-2004 AGM be adjourned
Moved by Gary Shearman
Seconded by Marita Moll
Appendix A:
Telecommunities Canada
President's Report 2003/04
March 19, 2004
This has been a quiet year for us. After the culmination of the GCNP
and WSIS events reported at our last AGM, we have not had much
We are still accredited to the WSIS process, but it was decided not to
attend the rest of the Prepcoms or the summit itself in Geneva because
our involvement was not being supported by the Canadian government and
sending a representative would have seriously depleted our funds below
the level of just over $8000 where they remain to-day.
Two of our Board members have continued to serve on the Board of the
group formed to support GCN 2002.. We are also a partner in the CRACIN
research proposal.
Your president has been involved in the still ongoing attempts to
organize a national CAP organization or advisory committee.
Gareth R. Shearman
March 17, 2004