1. Welcome and quorum call.

2. Approval of agenda

3. Approval of minutes of previous AGM - August 20, 1996 - Edmonton

4. Presentation and acceptance of financial statements

5. Motion to Dispense with Auditors
I move that Telecommunities Canada dispense with the naming of auditors for the current fiscal year.

6. Presentation of board report and acceptance of board actions
I move that the board report be accepted and that all resolutions of the board of directors since the last AGM be confirmed.

7. Report of the nomination committee and election of board members
Four board members will continue for the second year of their term. Three positions are open for election. Officers are elected from within the board.

8. Members concerns:
.1 Charitable Status Update
.2 Remote login Update
.3 Membership Plan Presentation for approval
.4 Electronic Public Space Update
.5 World Conference 1998 Presentation
.6 TC 98 AGM Conference and meeting

9. Adjournment and thanks

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